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Wedding Date Postponed
Wedding Date Postponed

How do I tell guests that we've postponed our wedding date? How do I ask guests to RSVP to our new wedding date?

Ayla avatar
Written by Ayla
Updated over a week ago

Our heartfelt sympathies go out to our couples who have been faced with many difficult decisions and uncertainties about their weddings. 

If you are currently in the process of trying to figure out if you should postpone your wedding date, we've written an article with steps on how to postpone your wedding here

One of the most important actions you can take here is to communicate with your guests to let them know what you have decided or are in the process of doing. 

Here are some of the ways you can communicate with your guests

Add a new section to your wedding website to acknowledge Covid-19

In this current climate of uncertainty, many of your guests will have their concerns about attending an event that is not conducive to social isolation. One of the best things you can do to ease their fears is to acknowledge the virus for what it is.

Let guests know you are working with your venue and vendor team to ensure the safety of everyone in attendance and that you will let them know if plans should change. 

Here's an example of what you could on your wedding website site:

"Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we have made the tough decision to postpone our wedding. The safety of our loved ones and wedding team is our top priority, and we will be sure to keep you updated with our new wedding date and details as soon as possible."

If you have made the decision to postpone your wedding date, it may also be worth including that blurb above and removing the original wedding date from your website to avoid any confusion. 

To remove your wedding date from your website, you can go to your "Builder" and then Site settings and leave the "Wedding date" box blank until you've decided on a new one.

Send out a quick email(s) to your guest list to let them know of any changes

If you have changed the date or are in the process of doing so, let your guests know ASAP. Depending on your situation, you may have guests who are travelling from afar or have booked accommodation to attend your original date. 

Here's an example of an email you might send to tell your guests:

Dear {first name},

I hope that you and your loved ones are safe during this time of uncertainty. Due to the global crisis, we have been concerned about putting the safety of our guests at risk and have made the decision to postpone our special day. 

We’re in the process of rescheduling our wedding and you’ll be the first to know once we’ve finalized the details. 

We hope you and your families are in good health, and we are sending lots of love your way. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. We'd love to hear from you!

With love,
{You & Yours}

If you are a Stationery plan user, you can send personalized emails addressing each guest by name and upload an image to make it look more special than a basic email! 

What to do if you've decided to postpone your wedding date

If you haven't decided on new wedding date yet

  1. Hide wedding date from website

  2. Close RSVPs

  3. Send out an email to let guests know you've decided to postpone your wedding

If you've chosen a new wedding date

If your guests have already RSVP'd to your original wedding date and you'd like them to RSVP to your changed date, here's what you can do:

  1. Go to your General Settings (or Header) to change your wedding date and new RSVP deadline (if you have one)

  2. Change everyone’s RSVP status to unconfirmed 

Go to your Guests > Bulk select the guests you have invited > and click on "Edit guests". 

From the Edit multiple guests panel, scroll down to the "Guest details" section and change their RSVP status to "Unconfirmed", and then click the "Update guests" button.

Note: This will reset the RSVP statuses of your guests so they can RSVP for your wedding again.

3. Send out an email asking guests to RSVP to your new wedding date

Once you've made those changes to your guest list, you're ready to reach out to your guests and ask them to RSVP! 

If you have access to the Stationery module, you can choose to send out a plain email or a digital invitation with your updated wedding date!

Note: By updating your wedding date in your General Settings, these details will be automatically displayed on your stationery cards.

If you prefer to send out a simple email to guests, choose the "Email" option to start crafting your message. 

Once you've written your email, make sure to select "RSVP online" as your button link so your guests will be directed to your RSVP form. 

Once you've done that, bulk select or select the people you want to send this email to and you're ready to send this update to your guests!

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